If for any reason you need to register in one of the Internet services that require a phone number to be linked (for example, Telegram, WhatsApp, Paypal, Google, Line, etc.), consider using the communication services of one of the operators in Thailand . You are absolutely not required to visit the country in order to buy a real SIM card. All you need is to buy an inexpensive (practically free) virtual Thailand phone number. You will learn how to do this after reading this article (you’ll spend about 3 minutes).
You will get the opportunity not only to register remotely in any of the Internet services that are supported by Thailand telephone operators. You will enjoy such benefits as anonymous registration and bonus purchase of goods and services provided for local subscribers. This is what the fake Thailand phone number is good for.
If you are used to getting the most out of life, take advantage of all the benefits of the SMS activation service "Grizzly Sms". 100% working numbers from all over the world (USA, Russia, Turkey, etc.) are here for registration on any online platforms (including social networks, messengers and free call services). All this is available for a nominal fee, quickly and completely confidential. Including a reliable phone number in Thailand. Try it!
If you need a guaranteed opportunity to register a new account, you should buy a Thailand number for verification on the "Grizzly Sms" site. That’s why:
To get Thailand number for otp, do the following: