每个月,这个在网络上享有巨大人气的兴趣信使都会被数以百万计的独特用户访问。 与此同时,他们中的许多人甚至没有一个模糊的想法,如何在没有电话的情况下验证不和谐。 更重要的是,他们甚至不知道这是否可能。
我们必须马上告诉你这个好消息-这既可能又容易。 根据规则,您不需要透露您的号码来制作此信使的个人资料,但是,如果您想访问此服务的全功能版本,则必须先通过电话验证。 此外,经常发生的情况是,用户被要求披露他们的联系数据以开始在此源上的通信。 这就是为什么,今天,我们要告诉你如何使用不和谐没有电话号码。

Image 1 Create Discord without mobile number
没有数字的不和谐名称需要做什么? 今天,这个免费的信使提供了大量的通信功能,如IP电话和视频会议。 这方面把这项服务变成了一个不可替代的工具,创造和保持多样化的爱好或兴趣小组。
- 游戏玩家(首先);
- 学童及学生;
- 博客作者;
- 朋友;
- 任何其他亲和力组-该服务已更新其概念,现在,任何社区都可以找到自己使用此源的好处。
但你可能会问:"为什么用户需要从系统中隐藏他的联系人数据?”. 以下是为什么知道如何在没有数字的情况下验证不和谐至关重要的原因列表:
- 您努力避免在任何地方暴露您的手机号码(今天,大多数在线来源并不太关心用户的机密性,而您不断收到大量个性化广告的事实证明了这一点)。
- 无论出于何种原因,您都希望在此服务上拥有多个配置文件。
- 您重视您的时间和金钱,这就是为什么当您需要注册另一个在线平台时,您不想跑到商店购买新的SIM卡。
因此,如果所描述的任何情况与您的情况相似,建议您今天学习如何在没有手机号码的情况下创建不和谐。 与此同时,无论您是要使用此程序的浏览器版本还是将其下载到您的计算机,都无关紧要。
截至目前,最合理的解决方案是转向销售虚拟号码的平台。 无论您需要此类服务的原因如何,请务必关注这个市场上最好的玩家之一 – Grizzly Sms. 在这里,你可以 只需11美分即可购买Discord的临时号码.

Image 2 Can you use Discord without a SIM card?
Among the advantages, which you will get when using a virtual number for receiving a single SMS or renting it for a long term, we must highlight:
- Complete anonymity. By no means, your personal data will be shared with any third parties.
- A perfect balance of quality and prices. Our fees are among the cheapest compared to our competitors, besides, you always receive exactly what you pay for – an opportunity to access Discord without phone.
- Receiving messages to numbers registered in different countries (it is useful in the cases when the necessary service is blocked in the territory of your country).

Image 3 Buy a virtual number for Discord
- Almost all the most popular global Internet platforms are supported. Facebook, Google, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter – you will always have an opportunity to register any number of accounts in different corners of the Web.
- If you face any difficulties or troubles, you will be provided with high-quality technical support, which will really help you solve any issues.
In addition, there is no risk that you will face any problems with using the Grizzly Sms website. You just need to go through an easy sign-up procedure, send funds to your balance, and receive a code for activation on the messenger selected. Then, you will need to complete the verification, and that's all. Use it in good health.

Image 4 How to verify Discord without a phone
How to recover Discord account without phone number?
As we have already explained above, for registration on the service, it is enough to enter your email address. The same applies to the situations when a user loses access to his account: he can reset a password via his inbox. At the same time, these days, the system often requires users to verify their mobile numbers once again after they restore access to their profiles (and, as we noted before, it is a must for those who want to unblock the entire functionality of the source).
That is why, in some cases, it is easier to create a new Discord account without phone number on the server using the method described above. It is simple, fast, cheap, and, definitely, safer than buying a ready profile. Yet, it is up to you to make a final decision.