现代网民越来越重视隐私保护。其中一个热门问题就是如何在没有电话号码的情况下注册 Telegram。为此,有几种解决方案可以确保您在使用聊天工具时的匿名性和安全性。
为了帮助您了解和选择无电话号码登录 Telegram 的最佳方法,我们准备了一份关于短信激活工具的详细说明。我们将举例分析其工作原理并评估其优势。
顺便说一下,您可以在 Grizzly SMS 服务网站上购买虚拟号码用于注册 Telegram。它们将帮助您保持匿名性,而且不会给您的口袋带来负担。此外,该服务还能保证您收到短信!
- 通讯软件账户的不诚实卖家有时会恢复对它们的访问,让用户一无所获。如果你要在Telegram中存储重要的信件,这一点尤为重要;
- 管理员严格监控Telegram。登录没有手机号码的购买帐户可能会引起系统的注意,然后你可能会被终身禁止;
- 现成的账户并不便宜。肯定比注册虚拟号码贵。
如何使用“Grizzly Sms”创建没有手机号码的Telegram帐户
那么你如何进入Telegram?如果您使用虚拟号码销售服务,则可以不通过手机号码注册即可登录。这样的服务在互联网上越来越受欢迎,“ Grizzly Sms”资源理所当然地被认为是当今最方便的资源之一。在网站上,你只需10卢布就可以购买一个在Telegram上注册的虚拟号码。
- 理想的性价比。你付出的就是你得到的;
- 一次性短信接收的市场最低价格之一;
- 绝对匿名。您的联系信息不会出现在任何位置;
- 可靠的支持服务,它总是告诉你如何注册没有号码的Telegram;
- 便捷的支付方式。
- 只需点击几下,即可在“Grizzly Sms”服务上完成简单的注册。
2. 选择移动运营商的国家和您注册所需的平台(在这种情况下是Telegram);
3. 点击通讯软件名称对面的“购买”按钮,购买虚拟号码在Telegram中注册。
4. 该手机号码将在“活动号码”选项卡中可用。
5. 在Telegram中注册时输入购买的号码。
6. 短信将自动显示在虚拟号码对面的“状态”列中。

Image 1 How to register Telegram without SIM
2. Select a platform you are interested in (in this case, it is Telegram). Also, you can look through other offers – our source helps to receive messages from the majority of well-known social media and websites.

Image 2 Buy a virtual number for Telegram
3. Purchase a virtual number for registration on Telegram by pressing the button "Buy" next to the name of the messenger.
4. The number will get available in the tab "Active numbers".
5. Enter the number bought when registering on Telegram.

Image 3 Create a Telegram account without number
6. The SMS will appear automatically in the column "Status" next to the virtual number.
In such a way, you obtain a fully-functional profile on the messenger chosen, which you can utilize at your sole discretion.
How to restore Telegram without phone number in case it got banned?
If it happened so that the system blocked your profile, there are two solutions left:
- In case the ban is temporary, you just need to wait for the period of limitations to expire. As a rule, after that, you will recover access to the entire functionality of the system;
- But, if the ban has no fixed term (you must understand that it is life-long), you can easily regain access to Telegram without a number with the help of a method described in the previous chapter.
In both cases, you can utilize your profile (old or new) as you wish both on the computer and smartphone, but you must take into account your previous negative experience.
Modern messengers provide truly limitless opportunities for communication in our constantly changing world. Regardless of the purposes, for which you use this instant messaging system, our recommendations will always prompt you how to activate Telegram without SIM card. Use them responsibly!