The rapid growth in popularity of the messenger from Pavel Durov does not slow down in the third decade of the 21st century. Today, the number of accounts of this service amounts to hundreds of millions, and more and more often users are interested in whether it is possible to get a virtual number for Telegram. The answer to this question is positive, and now we will tell you how to do this in the most effective way.
The need to buy a Telegram virtual number arose for a reason. Today this can be useful in many situations:
All you need to do to get additional accounts in the service is to buy a virtual phone number for Telegram. We recommend using the Grizzly Sms service for this, one of the market leaders for such services. And that's why:
In addition, the service has a user-friendly interface. So you will not have problems creating a virtual phone number for Telegram.
1. Complete a simple registration on the homepage of the site. In a couple of clicks, without filling out forms;
2. Select the country of the telephone operator to whose number you want to receive the registration SMS and the desired service (in this case Telegram);
3. Make sure that there are enough funds in your account to complete the purchase (for example, you can receive a message from a messenger to an operator number for only several cents!). If anything, you can always top up your account in any convenient way, it also won’t take much time;
4. Return to the service selection page and click “Get” next to the selected country.
5. The virtual number is now added to the "Received numbers" tab. Copy it and paste it into the messenger.
6. Return to the Grizzly Sms website and copy the verification code.
That's all, now you know how to get a phone number for Telegram verification.
Before you buy a cheap virtual number for Telegram, check out the main advantages of a virtual number over a real one:
The Grizzly Sms service has proven itself to be a reliable service provider for receiving SMS. In any case, you will get what you paid for.