Who would have thought that in 2025 Pavel Durov's messenger would turn into a whole universe where you can communicate, do business, report news and plot? It is not surprising that today people needed a lot of Telegram accounts. We tell you how to get them in the fastest and most inexpensive way, almost for free.
By the way, what does the presence of several accounts in such a messenger give? We answer:
- the opportunity to promote your business more effectively;
- the ability to increase sales and average check;
- lead a busy personal life, separating it and professional activities;
- always stay in touch, even if the main account is lost.
How to create a lot of Telegram accounts using a virtual number
In fact, this process does not differ from the usual registration from a phone application or from a computer. You buy a number (in this case, for one time) and link an account to it. In this way, you can create a lot of Telegram accounts in a matter of minutes and not only.
We recommend buying a virtual number for Telegram from Grizzly SMS service. Unlike many similar sites, we provide 100% working numbers, and in case of anything we change them to new ones. In addition, our customers can count on:
- the lowest prices for one-time SMS reception to perform bulk registration in Telegram and other sites;
- a wide range of country-service options (we have numbers of even the most exotic countries, and from them you can register in any relevant service);
- the use of modern network technologies allows us to achieve high speed of our service, so that you complete registration in a matter of minutes (even faster than if you need to purchase a real starter package);
- we have a variety of payment methods for your convenience;
- and also you can always count on professional technical support, which will solve all your questions (well, suddenly).
Well, before you create a lot of Telegram accounts, read the following section. We have prepared for you a detailed instruction that will answer all the remaining questions.
Bulk registration in Telegram: instructions
How to create a lot of Telegram accounts without spending a lot of time and money on it? It is enough for each new account to buy a virtual number for receiving sms. To do this, do the following:
- To start, log in to our service using the link. To log in to your personal account, just enter your email address. No other personal information is needed. For the laziest, it is possible to log in using a social network account (Facebook, Instagram or VK);
2. Immediately after entering the site, select the service in which you need to register (Telegram). Next, select the country of the virtual number;
3. Next to the name of the selected service, you will see the cost of a one-time SMS reception for account verification (as of summer 2024, it's only from $ 0.31!). Top up your account with the required amount in a convenient way: by bank card, cryptocurrency or using one of the popular payment systems;
4. Go back to the service selection (double-check that the country you need is selected!) and click on “Buy”;
5. Before creating a lot of Telegram accounts, go to the “Active Numbers" tab. There you will find the generated phone number. Copy it;
6. Launch any version of the Telegram app from your mobile phone;
7. Start the registration procedure for a new account. Use the purchased virtual number as the phone number;
8. Within about a minute, a message with a verification code will be sent to your personal account on «Grizzly Sms» Copy it to the appropriate field in the messenger;
9. Since you need a lot of Telegram accounts, repeat the procedure the required number of times;
10. Or automate the process of bulk account registration using API technology. To do this, go to the appropriate tab.
It's all. As we wrote above – there is nothing easier than bulk registration in Telegram.