An important update to Telegram Expert, has become even more powerful: our partners have a major update - 17 new modules for automation
Tired of looking for tools to automate Telegram? The services are very complex and sometimes have unclear functionality.
Take a look at our partner - the Telegram Expert team. These guys are not just in the know, they have long been ruling the global automation market for Telegram. And now they have rolled out an update that will make your eyes light up: they have added 17 new modules that everyone who works with Telegram dreams of. The trick is that all this is not just “another feature” - the interface is made so that even a beginner will not get lost. No fluff, only what is really needed. As if they knew in advance what you were missing.
This is not just an update - it is a rethinking of how you can interact with Telegram. Now, managing accounts, mailings, invitations and even stories have become easier, safer and more efficient.
The platform adapts to your tasks, and not the other way around. The guys combined the “wants” of clients” with advanced technologies to offer solutions that exceed expectations.
Now you do not just manage accounts or mailings. You fine-tune interactions via contacts, create stories with flexible settings, check data without risking your profiles — and that's just the beginning. We'll tell you how the update will change your workflow.
What's been improved:
1. Smart work with contacts
— Addition: Upload numbers or usernames manually or clear the list for targeted work.
— Filtering: Delete contacts by criteria (ID, number, name) or automatically — after successfully sending messages.
— Export: Upload all contact information in a couple of clicks.
2. Secure communications
— Personalized mailings: Send messages only to those already in your database, with the option to instantly delete a contact after delivery.
— Invites with auto-cleaning: Invite users to groups, and the system will automatically delete processed contacts.
3. Analytics and search
— Global search: Find chats and channels based on account geolocation - ideal for targeted parsing.
— Risk-free link checking: Get data on usernames, groups and participants without using accounts.
4. Account Optimization
— Bulk Check: Sort profiles by status (active/blocked) in seconds.
— Backup: Export data even from blocked accounts — everything will be saved if they were in the system at least once.
5. Creativity and Automation
— Bots in a Minute: Create Telegram bots with customizable name, description, and avatar right in the interface.
— Message Editor: Change the text in sent messages (up to 48 hours ago) — no more template mailings!
— Post Builder: Generate content for @postbot with media files and buttons to bypass spam filters.
6. Stories management
— Publication + tags: Add stories with user tags — they will receive notifications.
— Archive cleaning: Delete old stories in bulk, not one by one.
— Link export: Save links to all accounts' stories for quick access.
7. Troubleshooting
— JSON generator: Create session files from session data, even if the seller has not provided the full JSON.
Why is this important?
Thanks to integration with suppliers, we have increased the stability of registration: the deliverability of codes has increased by 4-6 times. Now you don't lose a single account due to technical failures.
It's time to work differently
Telegram Expert 2.0 is a tool for those who value time and security. There are no unnecessary complications, only thoughtful solutions for your growth.
For the security of your account and group in Telegram, use virtual numbers - because this is a powerful tool for the development and optimization of any business. They increase customer trust, improve communication, reduce costs and provide flexibility in management. Regardless of the size and scope of your business, implementing virtual numbers will be an important step towards success and growth.