In 2024, everyone needs telegram channels. It is with their help that news is spread today and various goods are promoted. And since the use of such social units has become commonplace today, the process itself has gained all sorts of parameters and add-ons to increase efficiency and sharpen for certain purposes. There are now so many of these settings that far from everyone can figure out on their own how to create a telegram channel from a phone or computer. But we will help you figure this out.
How to create a TG channel in Telegram: choosing the channel type
There are two types of channels in Telegram: private and public. Here are their main differences:
- Private channel. This type of channel cannot be found in search. Access to it is provided only via a special link, and new subscribers must apply to join.
- Public channel. Public channels can be found in search, and no moderation by the administrator is required to subscribe to them.
In most cases, it is best for companies and organizations to create a channel in Telegram in 2024 publicly. After all, it is public communities that facilitate expanding the target audience. Private channels, on the other hand, are used for clubs and publishing exclusive content, usually requiring a paid subscription.
By the way, if you don't want to create a community from your real phone number, you can always find reliable virtual numbers here to register new accounts in the messenger.
How to create a telegram channel: general information
You can create a channel in Telegram from both a mobile device and a computer. The channel creation process is identical for both platforms. Here are the main steps:
- Create a header: upload an image for the channel's avatar. The recommended avatar size is 640x640 pixels;
- Set the channel type: specify whether your channel will be private or public, and create a short link for it. Remember that the minimum link length is 5 characters;
- Specify the name and description before creating a telegram channel in Telegram: the name must contain 5 to 32 characters, and you can use emojis. The channel description can contain up to 255 characters;
- Add subscribers: when creating a channel, you can add people from your contact list. However, it is recommended to explain to them why they were added to the channel to avoid negative reactions;
- Create a post for the first subscribers: explain why your channel was created and why you added them to it. Let them know they can unsubscribe at any time if they are not interested;
- Invite people after creating the channel: send messages inviting users to become subscribers. Note that there is a limit on the number of messages with links - no more than 10 per day;
How to create a Telegram channel on iOS?
Here is a brief guide explaining how to create a private Telegram channel from an iPhone:
- Open the Telegram app on iPhone and tap the notepad and pen icon in the upper right corner;
- Press "Create Channel" and design it, including name, description, and avatar;
- Specify the channel type, create a short link, and configure additional parameters;
- Your channel is created and you can start publishing content.
How to create a Telegram channel on Android?
With the algorithm below, you will learn how to create a Telegram channel with comments:
- Open the Telegram app on Android and tap the pencil icon in the bottom left corner;
- Select "Create Channel", specify the name, description, and avatar;
- Specify the channel type and create a short link;
- Your channel is ready for publishing content.
How to create a telegram channel from a computer?
Nothing could be easier than creating a public Telegram channel. How to do it:
- Open the Telegram app on your computer, select "Create Channel";
- Specify the name, description, and add an avatar;
- Specify the channel type and create a short link;
- Your channel is created and you can start working with content.
How to set up a telegram channel: general tips and methods
Before you start posting on your Telegram channel, it is important to make some additional settings:
- To allow your subscribers to discuss your posts, you need to set up comments in the telegram channel. How? To do this, create a chat in the settings;
- add quick reactions: they will allow your subscribers to express their emotions to posts using emojis. You can configure them via group settings;
- if you plan to post content regularly, consider using an autoposting service that will allow you to schedule and manage the publication of posts on your channel.
By following these steps, you will be able to create and configure a Telegram channel that will successfully attract and retain your audience.
How to set up a Telegram channel: attracting subscribers
Subscribers on Telegram do not appear on their own; they need to be actively attracted. Despite the limited number of free methods, they still exist. Here's what you can do before setting up a telegram channel on your phone or computer:
- Invite friends and acquaintances: invite your friends and acquaintances to the channel, or send them a personal invitation;
- Post links on other platforms and social networks: share the link to your channel on other social networks and various online platforms, urging people to subscribe;
- Add links to your personal website, blog or YouTube channel: if you have other online presences, add links to your Telegram channel for transitions and subscriptions;
- Registration in Telegram catalogs: although this method may not be very effective, you can register your channel in various Telegram catalogs.
These methods will help you gather the first audience for your channel, but don't forget that quality content also plays an important role. Consider this before setting up reactions in a telegram channel. It is not recommended to inflate and buy subscribers, as this will not bring real value and can even harm your channel.
To more effectively attract subscribers, consider investing an advertising budget. Here are some ways you can use it:
- Mutual hype and barter: if your channel has already gained the first few hundred or thousand subscribers, you can agree on joint advertising with other channels and exchange links;
- Advertising seeds in other Telegram channels: you can find channels for advertising using catalogs and aggregators, although prices will be negotiated individually;
- Launching ads through Telegram Ads: Telegram provides official targeted advertising. This method provides direct access to your target audience.
Attracting subscribers is just the beginning. It is important to maintain your audience's interest by constantly publishing quality content and monitoring statistics to optimize your strategy.
What else will help set up a Telegram channel: publications and statistics
If you have already mastered the basic techniques of how to create and set up a Telegram channel, think carefully about your publication policy:
- Define the theme of the channel: decide what your channel will be about. Depending on the goals, it can be a news channel, an entertainment channel, or something more conceptual;
- Consider the main types of content: in Telegram, you can use text, images, videos, voice messages, and video circles. Diversify content to attract different audiences;
- Make a publication plan. To do this, develop a content plan that will allow you to maintain the frequency of publications and monitor content quality.
How else can you configure a telegram channel? To answer this question, monitor the statistics of your channel to understand how the audience responds to your posts. This will allow you to optimize your strategy and attract more subscribers.
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