- 您需要一个临时Yahoo帐户;
- 您是一位商人,希望将信息流(个人和企业、几条业务线等)分开;
- 你只是不想透露自己的真实手机号码。
无论真正的原因是什么,在这里你将学会如何在没有电话号码的情况下登录 Yahoo。
在开始之前,我们建议您研究一下Grizzly Sms虚拟号码销售服务的可能性。需要紧急接收来自热门在线平台的自动消息?那么这个网站正适合您。几乎所有国家的手机都能接收到来自所有最受欢迎资源的Yahoo号码。此外,该服务的客户也会感到满意:
- 完全匿名。第三方永远不会知道您的详细联系方式;
- 市场上最优惠的价格
- 便捷的付款方式
- 可靠的客户服务。
因此,我们所有的读者可能都熟悉无法使用手机的情况。而这个号码正是用来在Yahoo上注册个人资料的。或者您需要在没有电话号码的情况下在Yahoo上紧急注册几个账户。怎么办呢?一切都很简单 - 只需 6 卢布(不到0.1 美元)即可购买一个虚拟号码用于在 Yahoo 注册。
- 无需使用甚至购买新的SIM卡;
- 与购买现成账户不同,这种方法更便宜、更安全,因为你永远不知道前
- 账户所有者到底在想什么。如果他想再次出售个人资料怎么办?
- 操作简单快捷,就像您刚刚在所需资源上注册一样。
如何通过 Grizzly Sms服务在没有号码的情况下创建Yahoo账户?
- 只需点击几下,即可在 Grizzly Sms 上创建账户。无需其他信息,您只需要一个电子邮件地址。或者您可以通过合适的社交网络登录 (Instagram, Facebook and Vkontakte);
2. 首先选择要激活Yahoo的服务。在本例中,我们在Yahoo注册,但没有电话号码。
3. 将显示可使用虚拟号码的国家列表。这样,您就可以熟悉这些服务了
4. 以便捷的方式在系统中为您的账户充值;
5. 然后对着所需电话号码的国家按 "获取"。
6. 收到生成的电话号码后,在注册Yahoo账户时输入该号码;
7. 使用从系统收到的代码完成配置文件的创建;
8. 酌情使用。
Image 2 Get a Yahoo email without number
2. To start with, choose a country of an operator, to which a number for receiving a verification message will be linked. Keep in mind that, in some countries, there can be restrictions on the use of certain services. In some cases, you may even need to activate VPN.
Image 3 Buy a virtual number for Yahoo
3. Click on the icon of the platform needed. In this article, we are focused on the creation of a Yahoo account without mobile number, but there are also other sources on offer, so, try at least a few of them!
4. Transfer funds to your balance via a convenient method (registration on Yahoo will cost you from 8 cents!).
5. After you get a generated phone number, go through the registration on Yahoo.
Image 4 Yahoo sign up without number
6. Use the code received from the system to complete this procedure.
Image 5 Create Yahoo without number
7. Use a new profile at your discretion.
That’s all, now you know how to make Yahoo account without number quickly and without any extra fuss.
Is Yahoo recovery without phone number possible?
Do you remember those times, when you could restore access to your inbox just by receiving a confirmation to your backup email address? Forget about that, today, you are allowed to regain fully-featured access to your account only with the help of your mobile number, otherwise, the security team will “eat you for breakfast”.
However, if you lost the SIM card, which you used for the registration once and for all, do not get disappointed. Have a look at the previous chapter and recollect how to obtain a Yahoo email without phone number.
Keep in mind that there is a way out of any situation. You can always rely on your dear people and us. Use the information provided wisely and be well!