Shoes and clothes from a transnational German brand are the ultimate dream of many sportsmen and just sports-oriented people. You will not meet anyone on this planet who hasn’t heard about Adidas. There are even fewer who don’t want cool sneakers of this brand. If you are not one of the latter, sooner or later you will definitely need a fake number for Adidas.
It is no secret that today it is more convenient to buy clothes, shoes and sporting goods online. Where you can choose the necessary positions without a hurry and compare with analogues. Branded goods are best bought at authorized points of sale and official online stores. In order to be able to do this, you need a reliable number to receive SMS from Adidas. You don’t always have a free SIM card at hand, and buying a start package just for registering on the website is not reasonable. Don’t forget that even if you have an account in a sports store, it can be blocked at any time. And then what to do?
It is best to buy a number for registration in Adidas using the SMS activation service "Grizzly Sms". Our numbers are 100% reliable, inexpensive and very easy to buy (as you will see in the next section). In addition, you can register in store and on any other online platform with our help absolutely anonymously, without disclosing any personal information. All our clients can count on:
- the best prices for receiving messages for registration (only free numbers are better, the reliability of which is doubtful);
- all well-known Internet sites are available for registration using numbers of almost all countries of the world;
- payment will be charged only after you receive an SMS with a verification code;
- for your convenience, there are all popular payment methods (bank cards, electronic wallets familiar to many, you can also transfer crypto);
- you will receive a virtual number to receive SMS for Adidas account with our help in a couple of minutes and a few clicks. If you buy a lot, there is a well-thought-out API for authorized purchases;
- technical support service will help you in any non-standard situation.
Buy a temporary fake number for Adidas registration using the “Grizzly Sms” service: step by step instructions

See how easy it is to use our service and go to hot offers from the world's leading sports brand. There are only 5 points in our instructions, after which you are guaranteed to receive a virtual number for Adidas account. So here it is:
- Log in to your personal account in our service. To authorize, follow the link (or click "Login" at the top right of this page). All you need is an email. If you are too lazy to remember it, you can log in using your Vkontakte, Instagram or Facebook account;

- On the left of the page, there are two lists. In the upper, select the country of the telephone operator, to whose number an SMS message with a verification code will be sent. And in the one below - the service itself (we need a number for registration in Adidas, write in Latin the name of the service in the search field);

- Next to the selected site, you can see the cost of receiving a registration message. Just top up the balance with the required amount in a convenient way. Funds are credited to the balance almost instantly!

- Go back to the choice of service, check the country and site. After that, click on “Buy” next to the name of the service. Purchase is completed. You can find the purchased number in the “Active Numbers” tab. Here you will also find an SMS with a verification code when using a number to create an account in Adidas marketplace.

That's all. As you can see, buying a fake number for Adidas account is very easy. Use it wisely!