In February 2025, it became clear: Telegram has started testing a new security system that complicates account registration using phone numbers from certain countries (let’s call them "high-risk" countries). The platform is introducing new protection methods, including Android reCaptcha — and it’s nothing like the usual image-based captchas with traffic lights, bicycles, or bridges.
What is Android reCaptcha?
This is an advanced and complex system where reCaptcha performs a deep check of the mobile device itself. The verification process is extremely thorough, and as a result, each device receives a unique trust score. This system significantly complicates the use of virtual machines, emulators, and other automation techniques.
Country-Specific Protection
Telegram enables and disables this protection at random, switching target countries as they go. The list of affected countries continues to grow. Occasionally, Telegram’s administration may completely disable Android reCaptcha for certain periods.
What Does This Mean?
- Registering new accounts has become more difficult.
- Traditional automation methods are now less effective.
- Registration times for each account have increased.
- There’s a higher risk of temporary blocks or restrictions during bulk registrations.
However, the bulk account registration community, led by Telegram Expert, already has an answer.
Telegram Expert — A New Weapon Against Android reCaptcha and Registration Blocks
Just a week ago, on February 25, Telegram Expert released a new update packed with cutting-edge registration tools and new functionality.
According to the developers, this update takes Telegram account registration to a whole new level.
1. Advanced reCaptcha Bypass Methods
- Free Hook — Telegram Expert introduced a unique algorithm that allows users to bypass reCaptcha on numbers from certain countries completely free of charge!
- They also added a powerful premium reCaptcha bypass, which demonstrated excellent results during testing, achieving maximum SMS delivery rates on difficult geos.
- If Telegram enables reCaptcha protection for specific countries, you can now automatically skip those numbers to save time and maintain efficiency. This feature — automatic number skipping with reCaptcha detection — is a game-changer.
2. Updated GPT Module and Support for Current Providers
Recommendations from Telegram Expert to Improve SMS Delivery Rates
To achieve the best SMS delivery rates, consider the following:
- Device and app language — make sure they match the target country.
- Proxy quality — using high-quality proxies is crucial.
- Time zone — set the correct time zone for the country you're registering in. This increases the chances of receiving the verification code.
P.S. Don’t forget to use the handy time zone tool:
3. Bug Fixes, Stability, and Performance Improvements
The developers also fixed minor bugs, improved overall stability, and boosted performance.
Importantly, this version of Telegram Expert supports the latest versions of Telegram:
- Telegram Android 11.7.3 (56962)
- Telegram Android 11.7.4 (56982)
- Telegram Desktop 5.11.1 x64
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