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What does smm manager do and how much does he or she earn?


You can’t choose your future profession without understanding what skills will be required in a new job, what functions and responsibilities will be, as well as where to look for appropriate vacancies and what wages can you expect. Now, we will eliminate this gap for an employee from the world of Internet marketing, and specifically, we will tell you what is social media manager job.

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SMM: what is it, who is a social media manager?

The meaning of SMM abbreviation is "Social Media Marketing". Such a type of marketing activity implies a set of actions undertaken to promote some brand and its products using social media. Simply put, SMM marketers specialize in working through social media.

The duties and responsibilities of a social media manager cover the creation and management of the client`s company accounts on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, VK, TikTok, Insta, YouTube, Telegram LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Twitter and the like. These guys develop an account promotion strategy along with analyzing the competitors, interacting with their client`s target audience, carrying out the necessary advertising and marketing activities, and sometimes they even sell goods or services they promote directly through accounts they manage.

At first, SMM employees were mainly promoting the communities through social media platforms. They solved a task of attracting subscribers to the accounts of their clients while complying with SMM rules in order to avoid account blocking.

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Social media specialist duties and responsibilities

An smm specialist skills must be honed to fully manage and coordinate the promotion of the client`s company through social media. You must perform the following tasks:

  1. Create and design pages: for your promotion activities, you should choose some most suitable platforms, and sign up fro them to create accounts for your client. Then, you should carry the target audience analysis, study your competitors, develop a correspondent strategy for promotion, and design the pages, including cover, avatar and templates for publications;
  2. Posts writing and publishing: smm specialists are responsible for creating and publishing content on a daily basis. They make a content plan, determining the topics for future posts writing. As for the content, these guys can create and publish it themselves or outsource to other professionals such as copywriters and content managers. Publications may contain some company news, an information about new products, entertainment etc. An smm specialist may also need to create or edit visual content such as pictures or videos;
  3. SMM activities: in order to attract new subscribers, smm specialists organize various activities, such as viral campaigns, drawings or contests. They also negotiate cross-marketing actions with their colleagues from other companies, and collaborate with influencers;
  4. Targeted advertising knowledge is critical tool for social media managers. They use advertising accounts to set it up. Facebook Ads Manager is widely used as well as Twitter Ads or LinkedIn Campaign Manager;
  5. Analytics: SMM managers must analyze the results of their ad campaigns to evaluate effectiveness. They collect and process data to track performance and make respective changes to applied methods. For this, traffic analyzing tools are used along with those for assessing conversion as well as engagement of audience, reach etc;
  6. SMM budget monitoring: SMM managers also control the costs of social media marketing activities. They form the budget, then approve it with their management and prepare cost reports;
  7. Staying in touch with your audience: good smm specialist with an above-average salary also maintains communication with their target audience. This activity include responding to messages along with comments, moderating published information and solving complaints-related or negative content problems.

Thus, an smm specialist job implies creating social media pages and their design, making content and posting it, conducting the necessary marketing activities along with setting up targeted advertising, analytics, monitoring the budget and staying in touch with their audience.

How to become a social media marketing specialist?

Social media manager salary may vary from county to country, for example, skillful smm specialist salary in the US may reach up to $100K per year. When evaluating a candidate s resume for SMM manager position, companies often pay their attention to aspects such as:

Successful work cases: the results of work characterize SMM manager as a professional. When evaluating an applicant, the employer may want to evaluate some examples of your work. The accuracy of your analytics, content plan and strategy you developed along with the quality of content can be the criteria for evaluation. That is, everything that can characterize your social media manager skills;

Recommendations and feedback from previous employers are also important for an SMM manager evaluation. Such things are critical for freelancers who have worked with different clients. Several negative reviews, of course, not obligatory indicate your unprofessionalism, while too many good reviews may raise doubts;

Social media manager tools: as a candidate, you may be asked which SMM tools can you apply. In case you are skilled smm specialist, you must master modern content-making and editing services, have skills for collecting data and analyzing it, along with completing other tasks necessary for this work.

If the company have considered all the above mentioned factors, but cannot unambiguously assess the applicant to SMM manager position, then some test task can be offered. In addition, when assessing the SMM manager, following metrics may be weighed:

  • Follower count: This metric is often considered critical. However, increased quantity of followers not always means increase in  conversions. Cheat methods may be used, when the community is full of bots, not users really interested in your product. So, other SMM metrics should be used along with this parameter.
  • Reach: The metric indicates the quantity of unique users who read or viewed your publication (targeted ads do not count). Here, only unique views are taken while repeated views not, which is important to understand for an smm specialist;
  • Click-through-rate (CTR): another important effectiveness indicator for the SMM manager is the quantity of clicks users made on links placed in publications. If this metric grows, this means that your audience loyalty increase, although this quantity of clicks is not always related to sales volume directly. Such parameter as conversion in this case is more significant;
  • Engagement: subscribers engagement with content is shown by this metric, including likes they made, posts they shared, their comments along with other activities. Engagement shows the audience s attention to your company's products or services. In some sectors, however, the audience often does not show any active engagement by definition, so it is difficult to assess this metric.

SMM: how to start?

The process of training in this field is quite complex. This requires total immersion from you, along with dedication. Some employees not familiar with this area may imagine that the smm specialist responsibilities imply just posting some pictures and boring challenges to attract people s attention. However, effective SMM is much more complex. Here we have put together a few social media manager tips to help beginners:

  • thinking strategically: some "magic tactics", to provide you with an instant grow of followers and conversions instantly, does not exist. Instead of searching for that, carefully study the audience your target, fragment it into groups, and try to develop some individual promo strategies for each one of social media platforms you use;
  • acting tactically: for successful SMM campaign, adapt to the current situation flexibly. Follow current trends, constantly changing your promotion tactics, adapting it to them;
  • moderating your activities: what does an SMM specialist do? Creating and publishing content is not the only things that constitute SMM job description. You must also communicate with your audience actively, creating a positive, attractive image for your client. You should carefully monitor the messages your followers send you (their questions and comments) giving your feedback promptly;
  • work with influencers: finding well-known experts along with bloggers may be considered as one of the key SMM aspects. Establish mutually beneficial cooperation with them. This may include reposts, their expert articles, collaborative videos and the like. Yoy can also Cooperate with some popular communities in your subject may also help;
  • successful promotion through social media can t be imagined without high-quality visual content. Professional (and well-paid) managers have long ceased to search for images on Google, they use photo stock instead. They also work confidently with image editors such as Photoshop, and use modern AI services to create high-quality graphic materials.


So, in a nutshell, what is smm specialist? Such an employee promote some goods or services using social media . Do you like this profession? Do you want to know more about how to become an SMM manager? Then read about social media manager tools in more detail.

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