For business promotion or other purposes, additional accounts in messengers are often required. In such situations, it is wiser to buy Telegram accounts in Russia. Since registering them personally is time-consuming and expensive. To avoid wasting time and money, we invite you to read this material.
If your time is extremely valuable, we offer you the opportunity to buy a virtual number for registration in Telegram from the Grizzly SMS service on the most favorable terms on the Internet: at a low cost, with guaranteed SMS delivery and completely anonymously. Our SMS activator will give you an excellent opportunity to get a Russian Telegram account without any unnecessary hassle!
Where to Buy a Russian Telegram Account Quickly and Inexpensively?
To register a new account in the messenger, you can only use a mobile phone: the user enters a number (which has not been linked to another account) and receives an SMS with a verification code.
This means that you will get Telegram accounts in Russia only after you purchase the corresponding number of new SIM cards. This is expensive and inconvenient.
There is also the option of buying ready-made autoreg accounts "from hand" or on specialized platforms (in account stores). However, such accounts may not always be reliable.
In our opinion, the most reasonable option is to buy a Russian Telegram account using a virtual number.
Russian Telegram Account: Using a Virtual Number
The essence of how an SMS activator works is very simple: you receive a phone number for one-time use and use it for authorization in the messenger. This allows you to buy a Telegram account in Russia, as the service providing the number also provides the ability to receive SMS on it.
This approach offers:
- The ability to register new accounts in the desired service;
- Savings on purchasing new starter packages;
- Maintaining anonymity.
However, this is only provided by reliable virtual number providers.
Buy a Russian Telegram Account Using the Grizzly SMS Service
If you want to buy a Russian account on Telegram, pay attention to the Grizzly SMS service. Our advantages:
- Low prices for all numbers
- Guaranteed SMS delivery for all numbers
- Wide selection of numbers for any services
- Mobile operators from almost all countries of the world are represented
- Convenient payment methods (bank cards from all banks in the world, cryptocurrency wallets, e-money are accepted)
- High service speed
- Responsive customer support
Get a Telegram Account in Russia: Instructions
Now let's explain how you can buy a Russian Telegram account and how working with a virtual number looks in practice:
- Register on our website
- Top up your account using any suitable method
- On the service page, select the appropriate country for the mobile operator - in this case, Russia (or you can do this in the menu on the left on any page of the site)
- Confirm your purchase
- Copy the purchased number in the "Received Numbers" section
- Open the messenger app on your smartphone
- Register using the purchased number
- You will find the verification code in your personal account on the Grizzly SMS website
- Use it to complete authorization in the messenger
- Repeat steps 1-9 as many times as you need accounts