A successful marketer cannot do without more and more new accounts on various social platforms to efficiently promote products or services. Today, specialized software helps such specialists, allowing them to create new accounts automatically with specified settings. But where can you get a reliable VK account creator?
The answer is simple – on Grizzly Sms you have access to high-quality software from our VK [RGVKREG] partner.
Why do you need VK account generator software?
Generated accounts are used to promote business and goods and services on social networks. They provide visibility of activity in communities, bulk mailings and attract the target audience. In particular, VKontakte is a popular platform for marketing, and therefore VK accounts generation becomes especially relevant. These accounts simplify the tasks of targetologists and SMM specialists, providing the following advantages:
- Minimizing the risk of account blocking when sending bulk mailings: using special VK profile generation software and accounts created with its help instead of the personal ones, you can send advertising information without worrying about blocking. In the case of the latter, the account can be replaced with a new one without losing the personal VK profile;
- Diversity in the created profiles: the VK account generator software generates accounts with different avatars and names, which reduces the risk of blocking by the platform;
- Efficiency when creating multiple accounts: the ability to create dozens and hundreds of generated accounts with minimal effort and time. Even if one of them is blocked, progress is not interrupted, since there are other profiles.
Such automated techniques simplify the process of promotion and advertising on social networks, ensuring stability even in case of blocking. However, you should only use reliable services with a good reputation. For example, VK account creator [RGVKREG].
VK accounts creator [RGVKREG]: advantages
The first thing people pay attention to when choosing a particular service is its ability to solve the problem. The VK account creator [RGVKREG] copes with it to excellently, and in addition it has a rich set of options that allow you to set this tool for your needs:
- 25 modes of registering VKontakte accounts (choose any or all together);
- 9 formats for uploading generated accounts (including login: password, URL, token, proxy, user-agent, etc.);
- 3 modes: VK auto-recorder, spamblock defrost, ID checker;
- 3 modes of token upload: WEB, Dev API, Android APP;
- Possibility of choice: number of registrations, interval between registrations. Ability to record accounts in the database according to criteria, etc.;
- Setting up automatic accounts in a wide range: uploading avatars, posts, statuses, profile covers, marital status, visibility of date of birth, place of residence;
- Possibility of warming up accounts after registration, solving captcha through built-in or third-party service;
- Possibility of using SMS receiving service (for example, “Grizzly Sms”);
- Ability to send accounts to Telegram after registration;
- Ability to update proxy using a link.
Read more about the available functions that VK account generator [RGVKREG] is equipped with here.
Software for VK profile generator [RGVKREG]: prices
Most of all you will be pleased with the prices for purchasing a VK license [RGVKREG]. On our website you will find the most favorable rates that will allow you to use VK profile generator to create an unlimited number of new accounts for a certain period or indefinitely long:
- license for 1 month (unlimited number of registered accounts);
- license for 3 months (unlimited number of registered accounts);
- license forever (unlimited number of registered accounts).
You can buy a key for VK [RGVKREG] directly on our website using the link, selecting the appropriate tariff. Payment is made directly from your balance on “Grizzly Sms”, and in addition you can use any bank cards, wallets of popular payment systems and cryptocurrency. You will receive your login and password directly to your registration e-mail from which you registered for “Grizzly Sms”.
And if you use virtual numbers for Vkontakte from Grizzly SMS for automatic registration, you will get the best balance of convenience, price, and quality. We offer reliable virtual SMS activation services with a guarantee of receiving SMS at a low price, fully compatible with the VK auto-registrar from VK [RGVKREG]!