How to unblock a phone number in Telegram? With the growing popularity of the messenger, the number of attackers trying to hack user accounts is also increasing. In addition, Telegram has long been filled with intrusive ads. And sometimes the service administrators are not in a good mood. Why did we mention these facts? Today we are going to discuss situations when a phone number is blocked in Telegram. You will know how to unblock it in a few moments.
Unblocking in Telegram: reasons
The most important thing to avoid getting your account blocked is to understand the reason behind it. To unblock a phone number in Telegram, let's first understand the essence of the problem. In the case of this messenger, the following are the justifications for blocking access to a profile:
- suspicion of engaging in illegal activities;
- excessive promotion of internet resources through links (spam) via your contacts;
- using a SIM card that has already been registered in the system.
Now let's talk in more detail about the methods of unblocking accounts.
How to unblock a number in Telegram using a spam bot?
The majority of blocks occur automatically based on special algorithms. Therefore, the reverse process is also automated, although not completely. Before unblocking a number in Telegram, do the following:
- Find the spam bot through search (@spambot).
- Start a conversation with it by clicking on the "Start" button.
- The artificial intelligence will respond to you, informing if there are any restrictions on the activity of your account. If there are, information about the duration of the block will be provided. It is often better to just wait for it to end.