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Use Tinder Like a Pro and Get Easy Matches!


Tinder is the second fastest-growing dating app in the US, trailing behind only Bumble, and one of the most popular such services globally with 75 million monthly active users and 10.5 million paying customers. It is a great place to search for dates or the love of your life if you are lucky enough.

The platform requires all users to go through an SMS verification service. If you plan to use the platform seriously, you should also confirm the number. If you need to do these steps anonymously without providing your personal information, we suggest renting a number from Grizzly SMS to receive multiple SMS codes.

After making a new Tinder account without a phone number, you are ready to go. Now, the only thing you need is matches. Is it possible for a free user to get likes from others? Yes, but it takes some time and effort on your part.

Optimize the profile

Tinder loves showcasing good accounts to other people who might be interested. It is important to add interesting facts that may spark the attention of potential dates, add authentic details about your life, and be as informative as possible. Data indicates that profiles that have in-depth bios attract 4 times more matches.

Make sure to add several compelling photos. If you do not have a profile picture, you will enjoy 12 times less engagement from users. After creating a new Tinder account with a temporary phone number, make sure to fill it with information to make it attractive.

Use real, high-quality photos

It is hugely important to have a good photograph as your profile pic. Use images that look great, highlight your winning features, and do not have any visual artifacts. It may take some time to make such photos, but the payoff in terms of matches is great!

Studies indicate that having just one pic where you smile may increase your chances of getting a match by at least 14%. Several such photos have an even bigger effect. Note that you can create several Tinder accounts with virtual phone numbers to test which photos work best.

Don’t wait! Make the first move!

For men, Tinder is a numbers game. You have to log in frequently and do your daily “chores” on the platform by swiping right as often as possible. Women enjoy a slightly easier time on the platform and may not need to spend as much time browsing through profiles. However, both genders need to be proactive on the platform to find dates.

Tinder’s data reveals that people who are active daily enjoy a significant 12% bump in matches even if they use a free account. You can test this theory by making a new Tinder account with the SMS verification service at Grizzly SMS.

Be interesting and communicative

Some users believe that using generic oneliners is a great way to stand out. However, such openers are often met with indifference and a left swipe. It is a good idea to personalize messages using the information for the profile of the person you’ve matched. Some academic research shows that personalized messages win over 60% more people.

Despite what many believe, it is possible to train yourself to become a better conversationalist. You can simply buy a virtual phone number from Grizzly SMS and make an account specifically for testing how well your “audience” responds to tailored messages.

Paying for the service can be beneficial

Upgrading to Plus or Gold is a good idea for people who travel often and want unlimited likes instead of swiping right on just a couple of accounts per day. Another important feature is Passport which is a special feature allowing users to browse through profiles from different parts of the world. Studies show that Gold users enjoy 60% more matches on the platform.

Note that when traveling internationally, it is a good idea to register authentic local accounts. You can get a virtual phone number from over 100 countries on the Grizzly SMS platform!

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