When you know what others don't know, you get certain advantages. This applies to absolutely all spheres of life. And the ways of obtaining information are very diverse. Even surveillance in Whatsapp online can be used. Yes, didn't it seems to you. Today we are considering a popular messenger for whether it is possible to track calls via Whatsapp. And much more.
Surveillance in Whatsapp: why?
The reasons that encourage some users to hack the accounts of others can be very different. From the obvious:
- distrustful spouses or partners. Many people want to know how to surveillance the wife's WhatsApp;
- child control. Children often become victims of cyberbullying or bullying others themselves. It is important to stop both the first and the second;
- if you use the messenger to promote your business, then one day you will want to know how your competitors behave in the messenger. To promote your business more effectively and increase sales.
Like any technology, the messenger in question is not perfect, so resourceful users have long learned how to spy here. We tell you how to surveillance the correspondence in Whatsapp in different ways and read the messages of the people you are interested in without their knowledge.
Surveillance in Whatsapp without scanning a QR code
Check it out if you want to know how to track a WhatsApp conversation. It is necessary to get the smartphone of the user you are interested in for a while. Next, you need to install the Spy-phone-app on it and activate it. It is also necessary to specify in the settings the email address where the information about the correspondence will be sent. Then return the gadget to the owner.
A link will be sent to the specified e-mail, where whatsapp surveillance of correspondence is possible.
Surveillance in WhatsApp: using Web WhatsApp
In order for surveillance via Whatsapp to be possible, you need to do the following:
- Open the web version of the messenger;
- Get access to the victim's phone for a short time. Next, you need to launch WhatsApp, go to settings and select WhatsApp Web. Then scan the QR code on the computer screen (where the web version is already open).
Thus, access to someone else's account will remain on the computer.
Surveillance in WhatsApp: Spyzie
You also need access to the gadget of the user you are interested in. You need to install the Spyzie application on your smartphone, with which you can use Whatsapp surveillance on Android.
You need to create an account on the application developer's website, specifying some information there to link the spy and the victim. Then enter the received data into the application settings on the victim's phone. After that, you can read someone else's correspondence.
Surveillance in WhatsApp: Whatsapp spy
Another proven espionage application. The algorithm of actions is about the same as in the previous paragraph. The utility is paid, with a demo mode. Support for other messengers is also possible
The program for Whatsapp: surveillance using mSpy
Another application with a free demo version and paid advanced functionality. Requires one-time access to the victim's phone. With its help, whatsapp surveillance of correspondence from the phone is possible.
Advanced surveillance in WhatsApp: FlexiSPY
An improved version of the WhatsApp Spy app. Added the ability to wiretap the victim if there is access to the microphone and camera of his gadget. The utility is paid. Among the possibilities:
- connection to the victim's accounts in Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook and Skype;
- collecting location data (to the question of how to track your husband's WhatsApp from your phone);
- wiretapping calls;
- interception of music, video and graphic information that took place in the victim's correspondence.
How to check Whatsapp for surveillance?
A reasonable question. If surveillance is possible in Whatsapp, then there must be a way to find out about it. And it exists. Here are some simple steps that will help a potential victim identify a spy:
- Open WhatsApp settings in the app on your phone;
- Before tracking the activity of unfriendly users in WhatsApp, select the WhatsApp Web option;
- You will see a list of devices that currently have access to your messenger account;
- Here you can view the location of these devices, as well as the dates and times of logging into your account and take appropriate measures.
In addition, if you understand that your Whatsapp profile has discredited itself, then you can create a new one using SMS activation. To do this, simply go to the Grizzly SMS website and buy a virtual number for WhatsApp for just 20 cents! That's how much it costs to get a new fully working WhatsApp account. And there are other options there, come on in!