Imagine that today is the year 2010. In the US, the iPhone 4 was presented, and in Russia, Pavel Durov had not yet introduced verification of users in the social network "VKontakte" by phone number. It was a great time, and today many internet users are persistently wondering if it is possible to log in to VK without a confirmation code on their phone.
Our team has searched the entire internet, spent several practical hours, and is ready to share with you all the ways to log in to VK without SMS verification code. Read carefully, there are several methods, and one of them will definitely suit you.
How to log in to VK without a verification code: two-factor authentication?
Before the introduction of verification by phone number, entry into the social network was exclusively done by entering a login and password. This is still possible today, but you need to fiddle with the settings of your profile.
To log in to VK without a verification code on your phone, do the following:
1. Go to your personal profile and open its settings (the button with three horizontal lines if logging in through the app, or the button with your avatar image and name and surname at the top right of the page in the browser version).
2. Next, you need to go to the settings menu, using the path General/Security of the page/Login confirmation.
3. Uncheck the box for this option, thereby disabling two-factor authentication in the service.
Now you can log in to VK without a confirmation code via SMS.
How to log in to VK without a verification code if you don't have access to a SIM card?
The answer is simple and obvious: you need to regain access to your SIM card. This method is rational if you cannot log in to VK without a verification code (if two-factor authentication is enabled and you have no desire to deal with the support service of the social network).
You should contact the nearest mobile network salon of your operator with your documents (preferably a passport). Next, you will have to go through the standard procedure for restoring the SIM card (each operator has its own procedure, some charge a fee for this). Usually, the number is restored quickly, and you can immediately log in to VK without SMS. But sometimes it may take up to three days.