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How to sign up for DiDi without a phone number: step-by-step guidelines


Today, the use of taxis gets more convenient and affordable due to the introduction of a large variety of specialized applications. They allow calling a taxi with one click on a smartphone only. So, in the passenger market, the leading position is held by the Uber app. But it has many competitors. One of them is DiDi. This service allows ordering trips via a personal cabinet in the mobile app. Let us find out how to go through the registration on Didi without a mobile number. We are going to discuss the peculiarities of the process of fulfilling this task in the case of a passenger’s and a driver’s account, as well as other crucial aspects.

The official method of accessing DiDi without a number

Most taxi services consider that it is necessary to protect drivers from false calls and passengers – from dishonest carriers. For that, they introduce varied personality identification procedures. The DiDi company offers a standard method of confirmation via a contact number. But is it possible to join DiDi without a mobile number? 

You can download the app from specialized online stores (Play Market or App Store).


Image 1 Signing up to DiDi without a phone number

This service sets strict demands. It is impossible for a driver to get a DiDi account without a phone. As for passengers, they are offered more comfortable terms. You can receive quick access to the service with the help of a Google profile. The system will request your personal data from there. Obviously, such a solution will suit only some users, not all of them. However, that does not mean that you will have to purchase a SIM card or utilize some doubtful methods. There is another alternative variant, about which we will tell you in more detail.

How to use DiDi without a SIM card via Grizzly Sms

We know a perfect method of creating pages on varied platforms. A virtual number does not involve using a client’s real number. Its key purpose is to receive a message with an activation code. And on the source Grizzly Sms, you can buy a virtual number for registration on DiDi or any other website or app.

Let us provide you with instructions on how to pass every stage. First, you should make a personal cabinet on our service Grizzly Sms and order a virtual number.

  1. Go through a registration procedure. It is an absolutely simple task as users must provide minimum information. It is enough to enter an electronic address.

Image 2 Get into DiDi without a SIM card

2. Transfer a sum needed to your balance. Opt for the most convenient payment method on the list. Type the sum in the corresponding line.


Image 3 How to register DiDi without a mobile number

3. Proceed to buy a virtual number. First, choose a country, then – a service. The website allows entering the information and receiving the match right away.


Image 4 Buy a virtual number for DiDi

So, you’ve got a virtual number at your disposal. The next stage is to create a DiDi account with its help. Yet, we do not recommend selecting such a variant for drivers. The terms of the contract offered by this taxi service assume the constant use of the contact number provided to the system. Still, passengers need a personal number only once – to complete the registration.

  1. So, let us start creating a profile. Specify the virtual number, which you have purchased earlier.

Image 5 How to make an account on DiDi without a number

2. Then, the system will inform you that an SMS with a code is sent. For receiving it, go to the Grizzly Sms website. You will see the corresponding notification in the tab with personal messages. Open this SMS and copy the confirmation code. Return to the window for registration, where you should insert the 4 digits, which you received, as well as a captcha.

3. Then, create a password and fill in other personal information.


Image 6 Create DiDi without SIM

Now, your profile is completed. So, you can freely call a taxi in those cities, where this service (or registered cars) is available. DiDi sign-up without a phone number (real) takes just a few minutes. When there is a need, you can create another new account. Users often do that to receive welcome bonuses and free rides.

Why you should select Grizzly Sms

Our company constantly seeks self-improvement to satisfy our clients. The cheapest virtual numbers are not our single benefit. We can also mention a whole range of other advantageous features:

  • an opportunity to make bulk purchases;
  • a huge selection of countries (more than 260);
  • immediate receipt of SMS messages.

There is no risk that virtual numbers on offer will attract increased interest on the part of a security service working for some platform. Do you have any questions? Our around-the-clock technical client support team will answer them.


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